Monday, February 2, 2009

Self Promotion Offline Tip #26

Usually I never believed in sweepstakes because I never won any sweepstakes before nor did anyone that I know ever won so I was very skeptical about entering. Little did I know that my fate would change for the better and my belief in sweepstakes has forever changed. In an attempt to rid myself of useless points, I tossed all of my points into a win a free Flip Video sweepstakes. A month later, a package arrived on my footsteps and with disbelief, inside was a free Flip Video and a congratulation letter from the sweepstakes! Sweepstakes are real after all, who knew. Also, just this weekend, my cousin won a LCD TV from a raffle!

#26. Contact small local area businesses such as hair salons, massage parlors, boutiques, banks etc.

See if you can set up a table for 1 week with 3 of your best selling products on it along with some catalogs, fliers, coupons and your business card. Keep a basket on the table for any customer orders which you can follow up on after you return back to pick up your display. Offer the store owner or manager a free gift for allowing you to do this.

You can also offer to donate a prize for a contest if they let you display the prize donated & get a copy of the contestants entry blanks after the promotion closes.


Twon cashing out on PrizePanda

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