#43. Get a license plate made up for your vehicle! If you have your normal license plate on the back of your car, put your business named one on the front of the car!
You can get one with just your business name on it for about $20-$30 per plate!
Obviously the market has changed for practically every industry out there including ones that you wouldn't think in a lifetime to ever change. A few major players in the credit card industry are actually paying you to pay off your debt! Do note that this is by invitation only and only is offered to a very select few but mainly those that have high balances and are only making the minimal payments so don't hold your breath. It is free money if you're one of those selected few.
#41. Get some T-shirts printed up with your business information on it (both front & back sides) and hand them out to some friends, family and co-workers and ask them to wear them out and about in the community. This is their FREE gift for helping you to spread the word about your business!
Optional: Get ball caps printed up with your business info!
Another happy ZPT user cashing out
#40. Find a few other self employeed business owners in your community and team up! You can all sponsor a local parade float, parade clowns etc. Make up signs with your business info imprinted on them so that you can receive some great business exposure during the parade!
$250 free smackeroos from Free4Me