Sunday, November 30, 2008

Are Free Stuff For Real? Y E S!

I never ever heard of incentive sites until 4 years ago during the incentive site boom which I guess had to do with the housing boom. A friend of mine sent me a link and told me to sign up as my friend's last referral so she can finally receive her free iPod. I had my doubts but as a friend, I did it anyways. A week later and to my surprise she received her free iPod and a free T-shirt to show off and that was when I knew incentive sites were legit. So I did a little Google and found sites that were created to help people complete their freebie sites by either swapping sites or paying others to be their referrals. It sounds crazy but that's the only real effective way to complete incentive sites because the only other ways would be if you have a site that receives a ton of hits and post your link or if you beg and beg your friends and family to sign up which is not likely going to happen anyways because people are doubtful. It's free but you do have to put work into it but most people don't so they quit and call it a scam.

There are 4 steps to completing an incentive site:

1. Sign up and complete an offer
2. Refer others to do the same
3. Once completed, pick your free gift
4. Receive your free gift

In my first year of swapping incentive sites using one of the sites that I use to swap trades, I have made over $7,000 in freebies and cash. It sounds great but be warned, there are risks so my suggestion to you would be to only do sites that are considered Grade A and trade with other traders that have a long history of being legit traders and have a high trade record. The mistake that most newbie traders do is that they become so excited that someone wants to trade with them that they would accept trades from everyone including other newbies which are most likely scammers with new accounts to scam with. So please proceed with caution.

Here's a list of sites that proves incentive sites are legit and will help you complete your own incentive site so check out their forums:


And good luck to you!

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