For those that are considering doing a number of sites or even swapping sites, you should be cautious of which offers you sign up for. Some offers have certain clauses located in their terms of service in which most people would overlook and not bother reading. Networks like Pacific Web Works have a clause where you can only do one of their offers so if you choose to do one then you cannot do any other to receive credit for it. You can complain that you did not receive credit but there's nothing you can do because it's in the terms that you are only allowed to do one offer from them. Other offers may have the clause where you sign up for a trial product but would charge you extra fees or even restocking fees so watch out for those offers as well. Your best resources for offers ratings and reviews would be from the list of forums that I have listed in my previous posts. You can find a link to those sites in my links menu as well. Of course the best offers are the free offers or the cheap offers where you do not have to ship anything back if you decide to cancel. Read any reviews, before you do any offers.

Trainn satisfying another happy user with $480
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