Saturday, December 6, 2008

Freebie Trading Precautions

So now that you have decided on which forum you want to sign up for, we will venture onward to steps of trading. Being new in the freebie world would make you feel very anxious and make you vulnerable to scammers so listen well and listen good. Everyone loves fresh meat because you can possibly be able to sign up for their sites and they have TR advantage over you. You will receive plenty of messages from other users asking for a trade so here is what you need to know. The usual rule is the person with the lower TR which would be you, will go first. You will be asked to sign up on their site and after you complete your offer and go green they will in return sign up and go green on your site. Afterall all is said and done, you will both receive one TR point for the successful trade. However, most newbies will not experience this at first because they do not take the proper precautions.

1. Never trade with another newbie because they are likely a scammer with another fresh scam account.
2. Always check out their profile and see when their account was made and who they traded with.
3. If all of their trades are with newbies with fresh accounts then they are most likely TR boosting themselves with fake accounts.
3. Never trust anyone no matter how nice they seem because they will scam you.
4. Trade only with long time users and with a high TR of over at least 40.
5. If they seem impatient and constantly hounding you then something is fishy about them.

If you follow these guidelines then you will be okay for the most part but in the event that you are ever scammed then you can always request the site that you signed up for them to either remove your referral or to place your account on hold. Depending on the sites, some sites will actually ban the user if they are ever caught scamming or frauding others. With all of this in mind, have fun and get them freebies.


Mekap04 cashes out $80 on V-Bux

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