Most incentive sites offers you two choices when it comes to receiving your cash. You can either choose by check or by Paypal. The difference would be the time it takes to arrive and obviously by check would take longer. However, there are perks to choosing by check over Paypal. For instance, the only way for you to receive the full face value would be if your Paypal is a personal account but with personal accounts you are limited on your withdraws every month. The only way to bypass that limit would be to upgrade to a Premier or a Business account but by doing so you are charged a 3% fee on all of your incoming funds. If you choose by check then there is no limit and there is no extra fees, you get the entire funds however much it may be. Sure, Paypal is quick but it still takes time to go into your bank account if you choose to deposit the Paypal balance to your bank account. By the time your funds are in your bank account, it would be only slightly longer than by choosing a check. Lastly, Paypal is highly vulnerable to attacks because it is highly used by consumers so if your Paypal is compromised then so is your credit card that is associated with your Paypal and your bank account. The choice is yours.
kpizzl cashes out $250 from 123StuffForeFree
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