How an Offer Credits / How to sign up and Complete Offers!
When doing offers you NEED to have 3 specific cookies take root in your files in order to get the credit.
First thing to mention is that you should never ever clear your cookies while you are logged in on a freebie site!!! When your trader gives you their link you should go to that site by clicking on the link and sign up. Same goes with
DIY sites as well. Some sites do a verification phone call so have your phone handy in case. Make sure you fill out everything accurately. Once you are all signed up then go ahead to the offers and browse not actually sign up yet though...just browse. Look through them and decide on which ones interest you then click on them and check out their TERMS OF SERVICE so that you know exactly what that offer will entail. Once you have an idea on which ones you want to do then you should close all of your windows and log out without completing anything. Once you are logged out then you CLEAR YOUR COOKIES...and that is how completing offers begins! Now log back into the site and this time with the intent to do the offers....
The first cookie is placed from the freebie site you are working on. should have the site cookie in your files and nothing else if you just cleared them before logging into the site.
The second cookie is the first page of the offers. should have only clicked on the offer you want to complete and so you now have the freebie site cookie and the offer sites first cookie (an extra cookie or two may also enter the scene here and that is okay as long as you see the offer cookie and the site cookie as well)
The third cookie is the offer completion cookie.
...the landing page that everyone tells you to leave up for a few minutes. Now sometimes if you stray away from that by clicking on Terms of Service or something else and the order of cookies is interfered with or is messed up the offer might not credit. So that is why i recommended that you browse through them first and read all the TOS before hand.
So in short if you clear your cookies, then log into the freebie site, then go to the offers page (first cookie needed), then click on the offer you want to do (second cookie needed), then complete the offer all the way through to the final page without problems (third cookie you need) you should end up having the proper cookies. If this happens then it should credit. Now some computers have safeguards in their spyware so that all these unnecessary cookies don't get stored in your computer but most are okay...but if you are having trouble then you may want to disable them. Pop ups need to be on since the offer is essentially a pop be sure not have the blocker on...and your settings need to be able to accept all cookies!
#12. Donate a Product to your local area Radio Station, they have numerous contests and they are always looking for sponsors!
Your donation can be written off as a tax deduction plus you will get FREE Advertising & Business Exposure for your donation!

Doesn't Joanna84r's massive list of proof just makes you jealous?