Saturday, January 31, 2009

Self Promotion Offline Tip #24

There are a lot of programs out there that most people who can take advantage of it do not do so but that's not because they do not want to but most of the time they do not know how to get started. There is a huge list of free programs out there for low income families. The gas company has a program that would discount your gas bills every month. A number of phone companies participate in Lifeline which is a program that would discount your phone bill to less than 5 dollars! Edison has a really good program as well. Edison would actually give your home an energy efficient upgrade for free as well as give you a discount on your monthly electric bills. Also, if you have a refrigerator that is 15 years or older then Edison will haul your old refrigerator away for free and replace your refrigerator with a brand new refrigerator for free! If you're low income then remember these programs were made just for you.

#24. Take your business on the road during nice weather. Contact local area parks & community centers to see what their schedule of events are and inquire about setting up a booth or table.

This is a great way to network & market your business to those in your community.


Bradenr cashing out on ZeroCostFreebies

Friday, January 30, 2009

Self Promotion Offline Tip #23

Have you ever seen sign wavers? I'm sure you have probably every day that you step outside and go somewhere. Sign wavers are cheap and are one of the most effective tools you have in terms of advertising. You might laugh at sign wavers but they really do bring in the money. I know this for a fact because I have worked at Liberty Tax Service and 95% of the customers only knew of Liberty because of the sign wavers. If the sign wavers weren't there then business would be a bust for such a large franchise.

Of course, not all of us can afford a sign waver so what else can you do to advertise your business and bring in the money? The answer to your prayers are giant magnets with your advertisement on it. You can slap one on your car and advertise your business while you run your errands, pick up your kids, go to school, etc. It's cheap and it's effective. You can place them on all of your cars so whenever your wife, husband, kids, parents, friends, relatives, go somewhere it would be free advertisement for you.

#23. Get a low cost outdoor banner printed up with your business information on it. You can usually get them done for $55 or less depending on who makes it.

You can have these outdoor banners displayed at outdoor music/concert events, outdoor childrens sporting events, outdoor adult sport events, outdoor neighborhood block parties, outdoor community events, carnivals, fairs, etc.


Dabbs cashing out on Rocketbills

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Self Promotion Offline Tip #22

Finding freebies is nice but finding awesome deals is also as nice! One of my favorite website to go to on a daily basis is most definately Woot because they always offer a new Woot item every night at exactly 10 PM PST and only charge a flat shipping of only 5 dollars! You can buy a 50 inch HD and have it shipped to your door for only 5 bucks! It doesn't get any better than that! The Woot items are usually always better than most deals anywhere on the internet but sometimes they're not so remember to compare prices elsewhere before you decide to buy anything. Every now and then, you can buy their signature mystery item also known as a Bag of Crap. What's inside? You would have to buy one to find out.

#22. Small Home Town Newspapers! I don't get too good of a response when I do big newspaper city ads, however... when I target small town newspapers I usually get a great response. I even had them let me place an ad on their wedding and engagement announcements page which I advertised the Bridal Gift Registry.

So if you are going to do any type of newspaper advertising, inquire about getting your ads on specific pages in the newspaper that targets the group of people most likely to buy from you.


Egyptianruin with a whooping $1,000 from Givafree

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Self Promotion Offline Tip #21

Adsense is a good method to make some chump change if you have a decent amount of traffic but for the majority of us, it is still not what we would expected. The time that you spend working on your sites does not compensate enough for the time that you spent unless of course you're someone like Perez Hilton. Since you're not Perez Hilton, you would need to use something else besides just Adsense alone. You can use affiliate marketing or obtain referrals which can make you $40 to $50 rich with each referral. So don't limit yourself to just Adsense, you will need to expand your choices to maximize your profit.

#21. Contact local small companies and shops to see if you can offer an exclusive discounts or freebie gift to their employees. Companies are always looking for a way to "treat" their employees to specials from the local surrounding community.


Bradenr receives $250 from Givafree

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Self Promotion Offline Tip #20


It doesn't get any simplier than that

#20. Does your local area tv cable company have a local information channel? Inquire about advertising! These ads will reach thousands of potential buyers for you! I recommend you only use your website address for these types of advertising and not your personal at home address.


Joanna84r is just making this too easy!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Self Promotion Offline Tip #19

One thing that I do love about freebie sites is that they do simply pay for my gifts to others which is really helpful for birthdays and Christmas. I can get myself a Nintendo Wii bundle without having to pay over $5! Wouldn't you want to do the same? You can do it too. Think about it, a Wii bundle on most sites requires about 10 referrals because bundles are about $500 and since you only have to complete one offer which can be as less as $1 and the rest is up to your referrals to complete. A Wii bundle for $1 sounds sweet doesn't it? But it's true! If you don't like obtaining referrals then you can always do a DIY site and complete 10 full credit offers yourself which can cost you as low as $10 which is still pretty sweet. Freebies are totally sweet!

#19. Contact Companies in your area to see if you can come in and set up a table in the employee lounge or cafeteria for a employee shopping break! These days alot of companies will allow you to do this if you ask them!


3cuties4me let Free4Me pay for her Christmas gifts!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Self Promotion Offline Tip #18

SantasGiftsAllYear's January Referral Contest is almost near its end and I am still not even on the latest leader board that was updated on the 15th. You can still join in and who knows, maybe you will win even with a late start. The 1st prize is still up for grabs so join in and grab yourself some free money!

728x90 (blue)

1st Place - $350 1st Place = CSH-445
2nd Place - $150 2nd Place = ACC-195
3rd Place - $50 3rd Place = IPO-170
4th Place - $30 4th Place = ACC-214
5th Place - $20 5th Place = LAP-251

#18. Network with others in your community who are in home business. Find out what events and activities that they participate in. They are usually "in the know" and can help you get started in networking in your community.


Melmarie80 showing off her free gifts from Free4Me

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Self Promotion Offline Tip #17

Want to learn a little secret? Here's an inside scoop that you will learn from FreebieGossip, SantasGiftsAllYear's free green promotion may be over but that doesn't mean you can't get yourself some free greens. How can you still take advantage of free greens? Easy, you can open a support ticket and simply ask! You do have to be unreferred though meaning that you can't sign up under someone else's link. This is unofficial so hurry because it won't last long!


#17. Target your local area gyms! You can get a table space for $20 or less in most cases! Make sure you have 3-5 products on display, plenty of catalogs, business cards and fliers.


Bradenr walks away with $480 from Trainn!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Self Promotion Offline Tip #16

I'm sure there are still a number of you that still do not trust freebie sites and do not feel comfortable referring others to join under you. Luckily for you, there are Do It Yourself sites also known as DIY for short. There is no need to refer anyone but if you do refer others under you then you do earn a 10% bonus on your referral earnings. This is good for those that would want to test out freebie sites before letting others join in under them. It is a good way to earn some free cash especially for those that do not trust completing offers that require a credit card. There are surveys you can fill out for cash or even be paid to sign up for free memberships on certain websites. Don't wait for referrals to come to you, just do it yourself!


#16. Contact local area car dealerships. I have 2 in my local area that hand out a small packet that I made up for FREE to their customers who come in to take a free test drive!


Schizerbone cashes out major on Trainn

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Self Promotion Offline Tip #15

So many offers to choose from isn't there? So which one should you do? Personally, I enjoy signing up for online trial offers like eFax, Blockbuster, Netflix, and so on. Why? Because if you decide to cancel your membership during the trial period, you can cancel online whereas there are other offers that will ship you a physical item which you would have to ship back to them if you decide to cancel. You would have to pay for your own shipping costs and if you may also be slapped with a 15% restocking fee so that's a double whammy. I like to keep things in the cyber world because it's cheap.


#15. Call your Local Area Colleges and find out when their next job/employment fair is. A lot of times you can get a booth or table for less than $35 and you will get a lot of GREAT new recruit leads by participating in events like these.


Woznjack celebrating over $430 free from Trainn

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Self Promotion Offline Tip #14

If you have been reading my blog then it should be obvious by now that freebie sites are definately legit and if you still don't believe then you can ask the users that have received their free gifts! I do supply the link to the person their proof so you can click on the link and message the person yourself. You will find that you will only be flooded with even more proof! So the question is, what are you still waiting for?

728x90 (blue)

Remember you can choose from referral or Do It Yourself

#14. Call your Chamber of Commerce and find out about Local Area Job Fairs. Get a booth and set up info about the fabulous business opportunity!


MissEdie is starting off the year with a bang!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Self Promotion Offline Tip #13

Still Having Trouble with this...Do you want to Track your cookies and see what exactly is going on?

Then you should use the Cookie Monster to track your cookies!

After you download it then go through my instructions with nothing open except for the cookie monster and your freebie site...close all other applications. Once you are ready to start open the cookie monster and be sure it is empty...if not then clear it....once its clear then go to the freebie site and log in... then check the cookie monster to see if that cookie is there...if it is then you are getting that cookie and so far so good...if it isn't then something is wrong with your settings or you have something blocking it...if it was okay then progress to the next step and once at the offer page check the cookie monster again!

#13. Donate a Product to your local area Bingo Halls! They are always looking for sponsors of their Bingo Prizes! Bingo is BIG in a lot of areas!





Babetran does it again!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Self Promotion Offline Tip #12

How an Offer Credits / How to sign up and Complete Offers!

When doing offers you NEED to have 3 specific cookies take root in your files in order to get the credit.

First thing to mention is that you should never ever clear your cookies while you are logged in on a freebie site!!! When your trader gives you their link you should go to that site by clicking on the link and sign up. Same goes with DIY sites as well. Some sites do a verification phone call so have your phone handy in case. Make sure you fill out everything accurately. Once you are all signed up then go ahead to the offers and browse not actually sign up yet though...just browse. Look through them and decide on which ones interest you then click on them and check out their TERMS OF SERVICE so that you know exactly what that offer will entail. Once you have an idea on which ones you want to do then you should close all of your windows and log out without completing anything. Once you are logged out then you CLEAR YOUR COOKIES...and that is how completing offers begins! Now log back into the site and this time with the intent to do the offers....

The first cookie is placed from the freebie site you are working on. should have the site cookie in your files and nothing else if you just cleared them before logging into the site.

The second cookie is the first page of the offers. should have only clicked on the offer you want to complete and so you now have the freebie site cookie and the offer sites first cookie (an extra cookie or two may also enter the scene here and that is okay as long as you see the offer cookie and the site cookie as well)

The third cookie is the offer completion cookie.
...the landing page that everyone tells you to leave up for a few minutes. Now sometimes if you stray away from that by clicking on Terms of Service or something else and the order of cookies is interfered with or is messed up the offer might not credit. So that is why i recommended that you browse through them first and read all the TOS before hand.

So in short if you clear your cookies, then log into the freebie site, then go to the offers page (first cookie needed), then click on the offer you want to do (second cookie needed), then complete the offer all the way through to the final page without problems (third cookie you need) you should end up having the proper cookies. If this happens then it should credit. Now some computers have safeguards in their spyware so that all these unnecessary cookies don't get stored in your computer but most are okay...but if you are having trouble then you may want to disable them. Pop ups need to be on since the offer is essentially a pop be sure not have the blocker on...and your settings need to be able to accept all cookies!

#12. Donate a Product to your local area Radio Station, they have numerous contests and they are always looking for sponsors!

Your donation can be written off as a tax deduction plus you will get FREE Advertising & Business Exposure for your donation!


Doesn't Joanna84r's massive list of proof just makes you jealous?

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Self Promotion Offline Tip #11

One thing you may not know is that you should not click away as fast as you can because information may not register correctly. You should let everything load correctly because if you click away before information is fully registered then you may not receive credit. Let the landing page load up for at least 5 minutes before you go clicking away as a way to allow the information to register.

#11. Contact your local medical offices, particularly Gynecology and OB Offices and Pediatric Offices and inquire about you leaving information with them.

This is a way for you to target Parents of Children with both the home party opportunity, the business opportunity and new customer sales.


Babetran does it again but it doesn't stop there!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Self Promotion Offline Tip #10

You should always keep track of your offers and organizations because you can only do a specific offer once! If you sign up for an offer on one site then you cannot sign up for it ever again on any other site. Doing so would be committing fraud because you would then create multiple accounts for that particular offer which is against the rules.

*Also Some of the offers brought to us are hosted on these Freebie Sites by the same company called Pacific Webworks and lots of these offers look attractive to do because they tend to be cheap trials. The rule is that you can only ever do a specific offer once BUT you can also only ever do a Pacific Webworks offer once too. It will say within an offers Terms Of Service if it is brought to you by PWW and you should be checking the TOS on the offers anyway!
Here is a list of some of the offers by PWW (and remember you can only pick one of them to do ever!):

Amazon Amazing Web Stores
Chuck Mullaney Teaches Ebay
eAuction Expert
eAuction Tutor
eBay Toolkit
Google Home Business Kit
Google SEO Supervisor
Increase My Margin
UMAC Core Marine Phytoplankton
Quick Books Simple Business Kit
Quick Start Business Kit
Yahoo Search Success Center
Yahoo Tool Kit

#10. Contact your local area hospitals and ask for Human Resources Dept. The Majority of hospitals hand out New Mommy Diaper Bags filled with products, samples and other stuff for New Moms who just had a baby!

It's FREE for you to add in your information! I have gotten party hosts, new customers and new recruits by participating in these types of programs.


Joanna84r cashing out at Innovus

Friday, January 16, 2009

Self Promotion Offline Tip #9

It is important that you do not cancel an offer just after signing up because it may be considered as committing fraud so please try to choose offers that really interest you and give them a fair trial. If you are not satisfied completely then you may go ahead and cancel your trial offer. Remember, if you do an offer with intent to cancel then it is fraud and a company can usually tell if you cancel too quickly without trying their service or even receiving their product. A trial period on anything means that you actually have to try the service or product.

#9. Contact your local area Welcome Wagon or Welcome to the Neighborhood Group! Ask them about you leaving mini catalogs, fliers, business cards, discount coupons, freebie mini gifts, etc with them.

They are always looking for additional items to place in their Welcome Bags!


MrsPickett's first cash out on a Trainn site!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Self Promotion Offline Tip #8

When it comes to freebie sites, it is important to keep in mind of your IP. Why? Because whenever you log into your site, your IP will be tracked as a way to catch those with multiple accounts. Even living in an apartment building where another user lives could possibly cause problems for the both of you if you are either signing in your sites using the same IP or the same home address. So remember, only log into your sites on your own personal computer and on your own IP only. Don't be tempted to check your site when you're at school, at a friend's house, relative's house, cyber cafe, because you will run into trouble later on.

#8. College Campuses! Dorms & Housing Students are always looking to spend money! Alot of college students are also looking for an extra income so target them with the business opportunity too!

Drop off fliers and business cards to the College Student Center! They usually have bulletin boards, tables and other things where you can leave your information at for FREE!


Puffoluffagus rocking out on his new XBOX from Trainn

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Self Promotion Offline Tip #7

In case you haven't read my past posts, due to fraud, you must use a valid credit card or debit card with your name on it in order to do offers. The only exceptions is if they allow you to write a check or use Paypal. Yes, once again fraud has ruined things for everyone. So yes, you can no longer use prepaid credit cards or virtual cards from Paypal anymore. In the past, some users used prepaid for safety while others used it to commit fraud. The reason for valid credit cards only now is because advertisers want to be able to withdraw your funds and also to verify that you are who you say you are. Yes, they can tell if your credit card is a prepaid card or not but they cannot tell the difference between a Paypal plug in and Paypal debit so if you're Paypal then it could go red.

#7. Join your local area chamber of commerce! They are always holding local business events that you can participate in.


Asuperstar103 cashes out on Panda

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Self Promotion Offline Tip #6

One thing that most users would not know when doing freebie sites is that you should not ever use AOL to access your freebie sites. The reason for this is because AOL uses proxies which are not allowed by freebie sites and other internet providers that uses proxies but AOL is the most common one for most users. To check if your internet provider uses a proxy or not check with the Proxy Test.

#6. Alot of churches hold a Spring and Fall Fest! Contact them about getting a table or a booth. Alot of times this will cost you under $15.00 for a space!

Make sure you take products with you along with business opportunity fliers, plenty of catalogs, business cards etc.

Do a contest drawing at these types of events. Make up entry blanks that gather the customers info so that you can initiate contact with them again!


Knightriders' riding off with his free money from V-Bux

Monday, January 12, 2009

Self Promotion Offline Tip #5

It is very important for you to tell the truth when you sign up for any freebie site and complete offers in your name and with your correct information. People do not realize but freebie sites and advertisers will verify your information to see if your information is true and correct in order for them to prevent fraud so if you do decide to input false information or even a typo then it could cause you to have your account placed on hold and will prevent you from receiving your free gift. You probably didn't mean any harm but networks will not receive your joke as lightly and you will pay for the consequence of your actions. Networks like SantasGiftsAllYear have implemented a new module on their sites to prevent fraud against users which does require you to input your phone number to receive an activation code. Reasons for high security all lies on fraud, so do us all a favor and don't do it!

#5. Daycare Centers! They are excellent to contact and leave business cards and/or fliers at!

I print out a flyer of just a few items from our Tupperware Childrens line and I attach my business card & a discount coupon. I get alot of orders by doing this!

So whatever company you represent, find some items that cater to children or to moms and make up a flier!


A random user with his proof of a custom gift from SantasGiftsAllYear

That's right, Christmas isn't over and won't ever be!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Self Promotion Offline Tip #4

Most do not know that in order to successfully receive credit for doing an offer, you should always clear your cookies before you log into a freebie site. It is an absolute must otherwise you will most likely not receive credit for completing an offer. So before you log into a new site, be sure to clear your cookies first. Offers are tracked by cookies so if you are not allowing cookies to be sent then you will most likely not going to receive credit either. So be sure to read the rules on how an offer credits to understand why this is important!

#4. Contact local area bridal supply stores, bridal gown stores, caterers, tux rental centers, wedding dj's etc. Ask them if you can leave your business cards & fliers about the great (Company Name) Bridal Gift Registry for them to give to their customers.

Offer store owners a free gift or a personal discount for helping you spread the word about your business.


Kpizzl and his $220 freebie cash

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Self Promotion Offline Tip #3

Here is one of the many unwritten rules to live by when doing freebie sites, do not ever under any circumstance sign up for the same site twice. If you sign up for one site and want to sign up for another site within the same network then you will need to extend your current account as an "existing user" by signing up with the same email you used on the first site on that network. Just because it's a new site to you, it does not mean that you are a new user so be careful.

#3. Print out fliers with your contact info (not your personal address), your website address & email address along with any current specials you are offering.

Then contact local area mobile home park offices, apartment complex rental offices, housing developments etc and ask them if you can leave fliers in their office or hang on their tenants doors. Give the office employees a free gift or discount on their personal orders.




Ezcash4u&me cashing out trice from Macrobucks!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Self Promotion Offline Tip #2

In a series of self promotion offline tips, you will see that obtaining referrals is easier than you have ever thought! You may even realize that obtaining referrals is easy. Anyone can bring in referrals, but the hard part is getting your referrals to complete offers! If your referrals do not complete offers then you won't receive credit either which also means your referrals also won't be one step closer to their prize. Most referrals do not realize that there are a good number of useful offers out there for them to choose from. I for one was glad to have an offer like eFax because not only did I complete my offer but I also received credit for the offer thus making me one step closer to my free prize! Yes, I did keep eFax even after the trial because I needed a fax for my business anyways.


Step One, Step Two, Step Three, Step Free

#2. When I stay at hotels & motels I leave a mini catalog, my business card & discount coupon and the mini coin canister for the maid! I put her tip inside the mini coin canister! I have gotten 3 orders by doing this!

Be creative when you leave tips for Hotel Maids, Waitresses, Waiters, Hair Dressers, etc. Don't just hand them your business card, make it memorable!

You can also buy cute little beaded change purses at your local dollar discount store!


Adylisa cashing out on Trainn

So much money! I'm getting jealous!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Promote Yourself Offline Tip #1

Earning referrals may not be as hard or tough as you think because there are so many ways to obtain referrals but most people just don't think of it. In your everyday life, you have many possibilities to promote yourself without any extra effort that you didn't ever think about. Over the series of posts, I will be posting tips in order for you to realize more ways to obtain referrals so that you can earn yourself some free prizes without realizing it.

#1. Take a small zip close baggie (snack sizes work well) and include the following in it:

Your Business Card, Business Opptortunity Mini Flyer, a Piece of Candy such as hard candy or a lollipop, mini flyer of current host specials, discount coupon (optional) etc.

Hand these out to the bank tellers, retail cashiers, at your kids sport events, every where you go!

But remember, if you don't like obtaining referrals and want to earn free stuff on your own then there are Do It Yourself sites where you can complete offers on your own and earn free stuff without having to refer anyone.


Joanna84r is making bank this year from Macrobucks

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Auto Contest Entries Are the Best

There are many contests and sweepstakes out there but most requires you to register or fill out a form in order to participate but wouldn't it be great if you could enter contests without having to enter them manually? For instance, let's say your favorite store was having a contest but in order to enter you would have to fill out a form and turn it in. Wouldn't it be better if you were automatically entered just by visiting the store which is something that you would do normally anyways? It saves you time and a chance to win a prize by doing your normal routines. Wouldn't that be great? Well, guess what? It's possible! SantasGiftsAllYear is having another contest for the month of January! There's no entry forms to fill out, you just have to go on using the site regularly and if you happen to refer the most then that first prize cash is yours! Wouldn't that be a nice surprise?

Congratulations to December's contest winners!


SantasGiftsAllYear's proof of payment

Are you next?

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Tax Season

Freebies may be free but that doesn't mean you can skim Uncle Sam because Uncle Sam still wants to be paid regardless. If you receive over $600 from any given network in one calendar year, you are required to fill out a W-9 form which can be found from the IRS website. Networks will not send you anymore gifts if you have passed the $600 threshold and have not submitted your W-9 form. So keep track of your earnings and submit the appropriate forms.

It's tax season

You know what to do...

Monday, January 5, 2009

Prepaid Credit Cards Are Not Allowed

In its earlier days, before all of the fraud occurrences, users were allowed to use prepaid credit cards to complete offers which was good for those that did not trust advertisers or incentive sites. Although incentive sites have no access to the information that you give to advertisers while completing their offers. Some users were using prepaid credit cards for safety while others were using prepaid credit cards to commit fraud and scam others. Due to the high number of fraud among prepaid credit card users, advertisers decided to not credit users that use prepaid credit cards to complete their offers so if you want to obtain your credit then you are now stuck with using a real credit card only. Although some advertisers may allow you to use Paypal but other than that, you have no other option anymore. This is a good reason why you should not commit fraud on freebie sites because you will ruin things for everyone including yourself because falsifying information may cause you not to receive your free gift!


Fully launched Gadgets site!

Be the first

Sunday, January 4, 2009

How Do Freebie Sites Give Away Free Stuff?

Most freebie sites requires you to complete offers or refer others in order to receive your free gift and the reason for this is because advertisers do not want to pay an excessive amount of money broadcasting on TV when there is an alternative that is not only cheaper but to a target group. Advertisers will allow what we know as incentive sites to advertise to users by allowing users to sign up for their services and by signing up for their services, advertisers will pay the referring incentive site an commission for the referral in which will be used to pay for your free prize. Advertisers are happy, incentive site owners are happy, you the user will also be happy. Everyone gets paid. How much do referrals usually go for? Referral costs depends on the networks but generally a referral will earn you about $35 to $50 so referrals aren't cheap. If you don't like referring others then you can waste your time doing other free stuff like clicking on links for less than a penny a click. The choice is yours.



Michelle512 cashing out on Free4Me'z Zogopoints

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Holy Free Gadgets

I am proud to announce the launch of Santa's new site, Gadgets. So what does the Gadgets site has to offer? Prizes includes only the latest hot tech gadgets ranging from pocket camcorders, portable DVD players, Blu Ray players, portable tablets, Sony PSP, portable GPS, and more! Be the first to sign up and participate in Santa's latest site and maybe even win January's referral contest. That $350 first prize could be yours!


What are you waiting for?

Friday, January 2, 2009

Starting Off With A Bang!


Santa sure knows how to start off the new year!

Santa has announced the 5 lucky winners of the referral contest for the month of December!

1st Place - $300 (Winner = user 238)
2nd Place - $100 (Winner = user 322)
3rd Place - $50 (Winner = user 255)
4th Place - $30 (Winner = user 172)
5th Place - $20 (Winner = user 249)

Too bad I didn't win! Luckily, Santa has announced a new referral contest for the month of January but this time Santa isn't giving away $500 but $600! I don't know about you but I'm all in for some free money!


Cheers to a great year!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

The Dawn of A New Year

The past year has been a wild and crazy year for the freebie industry. If you didn't know, I was on hiatus from the freebie world for the past year because I had other things on my mind at the time. However, for the year 2009, I am going to get back into the freebie world and make at least $10,000 in freebies! In my first year of participating in freebies which was near the end of 2005, I was very active in freebie forums and referral swapping for about a year. My activeness paid off because I came out with over $7,000 in free stuff! Hard cash, computers, iPods, PSP, you name it, I got it all for free. So my goal for next year is to bring freebies back.


Free stuff can be yours too

JennyWren has made over $10,000 in 2008!

What are you waiting for?

Happy New Year!

<3 FreebieGossip