Friday, January 16, 2009

Self Promotion Offline Tip #9

It is important that you do not cancel an offer just after signing up because it may be considered as committing fraud so please try to choose offers that really interest you and give them a fair trial. If you are not satisfied completely then you may go ahead and cancel your trial offer. Remember, if you do an offer with intent to cancel then it is fraud and a company can usually tell if you cancel too quickly without trying their service or even receiving their product. A trial period on anything means that you actually have to try the service or product.

#9. Contact your local area Welcome Wagon or Welcome to the Neighborhood Group! Ask them about you leaving mini catalogs, fliers, business cards, discount coupons, freebie mini gifts, etc with them.

They are always looking for additional items to place in their Welcome Bags!


MrsPickett's first cash out on a Trainn site!

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