Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Self Promotion Offline Tip #6

One thing that most users would not know when doing freebie sites is that you should not ever use AOL to access your freebie sites. The reason for this is because AOL uses proxies which are not allowed by freebie sites and other internet providers that uses proxies but AOL is the most common one for most users. To check if your internet provider uses a proxy or not check with the Proxy Test.

#6. Alot of churches hold a Spring and Fall Fest! Contact them about getting a table or a booth. Alot of times this will cost you under $15.00 for a space!

Make sure you take products with you along with business opportunity fliers, plenty of catalogs, business cards etc.

Do a contest drawing at these types of events. Make up entry blanks that gather the customers info so that you can initiate contact with them again!


Knightriders' riding off with his free money from V-Bux

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