Finding freebies is nice but finding awesome deals is also as nice! One of my favorite website to go to on a daily basis is most definately
Woot because they always offer a new Woot item every night at exactly 10 PM PST and only charge a flat shipping of only 5 dollars! You can buy a 50 inch HD and have it shipped to your door for only 5 bucks! It doesn't get any better than that! The Woot items are usually always better than most deals anywhere on the internet but sometimes they're not so remember to compare prices elsewhere before you decide to buy anything. Every now and then, you can buy their signature mystery item also known as a Bag of Crap. What's inside? You would have to buy one to find out.
#22. Small Home Town Newspapers! I don't get too good of a response when I do big newspaper city ads, however... when I target small town newspapers I usually get a great response. I even had them let me place an ad on their wedding and engagement announcements page which I advertised the Bridal Gift Registry.
So if you are going to do any type of newspaper advertising, inquire about getting your ads on specific pages in the newspaper that targets the group of people most likely to buy from you.

Egyptianruin with a whooping $1,000 from Givafree
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