Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Self Promotion Offline Tip #7

In case you haven't read my past posts, due to fraud, you must use a valid credit card or debit card with your name on it in order to do offers. The only exceptions is if they allow you to write a check or use Paypal. Yes, once again fraud has ruined things for everyone. So yes, you can no longer use prepaid credit cards or virtual cards from Paypal anymore. In the past, some users used prepaid for safety while others used it to commit fraud. The reason for valid credit cards only now is because advertisers want to be able to withdraw your funds and also to verify that you are who you say you are. Yes, they can tell if your credit card is a prepaid card or not but they cannot tell the difference between a Paypal plug in and Paypal debit so if you're Paypal then it could go red.

#7. Join your local area chamber of commerce! They are always holding local business events that you can participate in.


Asuperstar103 cashes out on Panda

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