Then you should use the Cookie Monster to track your cookies!
After you download it then go through my instructions with nothing open except for the cookie monster and your freebie site...close all other applications. Once you are ready to start open the cookie monster and be sure it is empty...if not then clear it....once its clear then go to the freebie site and log in... then check the cookie monster to see if that cookie is there...if it is then you are getting that cookie and so far so good...if it isn't then something is wrong with your settings or you have something blocking it...if it was okay then progress to the next step and once at the offer page check the cookie monster again!
#13. Donate a Product to your local area Bingo Halls! They are always looking for sponsors of their Bingo Prizes! Bingo is BIG in a lot of areas!

Babetran does it again!
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