Saturday, January 10, 2009

Self Promotion Offline Tip #3

Here is one of the many unwritten rules to live by when doing freebie sites, do not ever under any circumstance sign up for the same site twice. If you sign up for one site and want to sign up for another site within the same network then you will need to extend your current account as an "existing user" by signing up with the same email you used on the first site on that network. Just because it's a new site to you, it does not mean that you are a new user so be careful.

#3. Print out fliers with your contact info (not your personal address), your website address & email address along with any current specials you are offering.

Then contact local area mobile home park offices, apartment complex rental offices, housing developments etc and ask them if you can leave fliers in their office or hang on their tenants doors. Give the office employees a free gift or discount on their personal orders.




Ezcash4u&me cashing out trice from Macrobucks!

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